Saturday, March 8, 2014

Strawberry Limeade

All-Natural Strawberry Limeade

One of the hurdles that I hear from many who are going all-natural is, what do you drink? Well, we drink lots of water, milk, tea, and juice. My kids have never missed things like neon colored, sugary drinks (i.e. KoolAid). However, from time-to-time I like to change it up around here and make a special drink for all of us to enjoy. We enjoy fresh squeezed lemonade at least twice per month, but a new favorite is strawberry limeade! 

For this recipe, you will need:

1/4 Cup of raw sugar (you could also use white sugar, honey, stevia, etc.)
3 Limes
2-3 Strawberries
A carafe, or half gallon container
Food processor, or blender

First, peel one lime. Remove all of the pulp from each section and place into the blender. Clean and dice your strawberries and place in the same blender. 

Place 1/4 cup of sugar in bottom of cleaned carafe. Add about a cup of hot water and swirl until sugar is dissolved. 

Add in puree of strawberry and lime. 
 Juice two additional limes and add juice to the carafe. 

Fill carafe with additional water. Secure the cap on the top, and shake to combine.

 Poor a cup and enjoy! 

There a few facts you should know about this recipe. 
1. The longer you puree the fruits, the more readily they will incorporate into the water. So, if you like a pulp feeling, don't puree too long. If you don't, go a little longer.
2. You can enjoy this beverage as soon as it is done; however, the longer you allow it to chill in the refrigerator, the stronger the strawberry and lime flavors will become.
3. This will last at least one week in the refrigerator, but I have never tested it's longevity because it is gone in our house in one day!
4. This recipe is not very sweet; however, you can add more sugar to your liking. 
5. Have fun with making this! Try different fruit combinations. You could do strawberry orange-ade, cherry lemon-ade, grape strawberry "cool"ade, etc. The combinations are endless!

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